Patterns -
Archive of wallpapers and tiled backgrounds from different sources.

Web Buttons -
Archive of assorted 88x15 badges.

The 88x31 GIF Collection -
Collection of 88x31 buttons from around the web.

Jan's Graphics -
Assorted graphics.

Kawaiiness.net -
Cute website with an array of web materials.

99 GIF Shop -
Archive for gifs similar to Gifcities.

Gifcities -
Archive/search engine for recovered Geocities gifs.


Creative Uncut -
Videogame artwork.

Win98 Icon Viewer -
View Win98-2k system icons.

Doodad -
"Tools for making websites fast, expressive, accessible, and green." Has pattern generators and an image dithering tool.

PC98 Emulation for Beginners -
A beginners' guide to PC98 emulation made by the person who runs a PC98 bot account.

Color Supply -
Interactive tool for understanding color theory.

The Old Net -
Search engine for web1 sites.

Oldschool PC Fonts -
Recreations of fonts used by a variety of old hardware (i got the site fonts from here!)

Repeater -
Online tool for creating tiled backgrounds.

Introduction to ROM hacking -
A compilation of sources for learning the basics of ROM hacking.

Zophar's Domain -
Emulation resources and some VGM files.

VGM Downloads -
Video game soundtracks and albums available for download.

♫ Circus Reverie - Dolls in Pseudo Paradise